Beside traditional Air freight, Logistics also provide Courier / Express services with good rates based on Fedex, TNT, DHL, UPS services. Logistics with widespread offices strategically located in all Vietnam major international airports of Hochiminh city, Hanoi and Danang, make sure that its  clients’ logistics needs in Vietnam is fulfilled wherever the shipment is to be delivered or picked up, even in the most remote locations of Vietnam. With such extensive network of offices we guarantee that Logistics employee is always in the field whether it is warehouse, airport, Customs premise or client’s place and provide hands on care for each shipment. Logistics is not just another international document and parcels courier. At Logistics we provide a wide range of services that can be tailored to your requirements. Our services comprise of express courier delivery and a full range of logistics services that are tailored to our customers’ individual needs. Logistics offers a flexible and wide variety of express courier services. As an independent logistics company, we are able to provide fast and reliable courier services worldwide, whilst maintaining in touch personal relationship. At we go the extra mile, adding value and saving time. Logistics is covered by liability insurance inluding E&O policy upto USD 1 million by Lloyd’s, the world’s leading insurance company. This is the reflection of our extraordinary strong commitment of quality & reliable services to our clients & partners. Moreover, to provide client with more options to hedge over the risk involved in transportation, Logistics signed agency contracts with a variety of insurance company, offer cargo insurance. Logistics is a local freight forwarder and logistics services provider in Vietnam but with premium memberships in large networks such as PFI, WCA, JC Trans and GenSFN, we for long developed a global vision and international standards for smooth partnerships with satisfaction to overseas clients and partners.

As a complementary service to Courier / Express freight, Logistics, with licensed in-house Customs brokerage agent, offer full range of consulting and Customs handling services such as clearance for shipments of personal effects, exhibition cargo, diplomatic cargo, lumpsum DDP, importer of record (IOR), etc.

With staff who speak Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Logistics Customer service team provide personal touch dedication to serve our clients.